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Online Poker Strategy: Aggressive Play and When to Apply

  • Published Date March 19, 2020
  • By Admin

Online Poker Strategy: Aggressive Play and When to Apply


Having the skill to play aggressively is an essential trait when it comes to an online Poker game. When you are playing online Poker and have thought of going aggressive, there is a chance for you to increase those chip stacks which definitely does not just mean pouring everything out. It rather shows that you’re being calculative so that everything works in your favour. It is an interesting phenomenon which can bring positive results if done correctly. Many proficient players use this technique from time to time to increase their chances of winning. 

Before we discuss when to use aggression to raise the stakes of your winning, first let’s understand what it actually is.

When you’re being aggressive and not passive, you make bets and raises more often to put pressure on the opponents, rather than just checking and calling. What hands you prefer to play has very little to do with aggression. Instead, it has something to do with how willing you are to raise your bets and risks.

Aggression in this game is vital because nobody is going to give you the money, but instead, you have to take it for them. Thus, without being assertive, you will struggle to win the pot. If you have decided to play a hand, you should also be prepared to fight for the pot. In case you don’t, your opponents will observe your reluctance, and they will start bullying you like you are back in the schoolyard.

But realize that blind aggression is not the solution either. You must alter your aggression level depending upon the type of table you are playing on and the way the boards develop. For instance, if your table is packed with passive players who constantly fold to raise, and this is the best opportunity to show aggression. But, if you are sitting with many highly aggressive players, too much aggression can lead to war.

When to Apply Aggression?

When you play poker online, there are extensive circumstances where I see many players not taking advantage of aggression, and this just makes me so sad. This shows that they do not have any idea about the amount of money they are leaving on the table. So, the three cases when you have to make the most of this strategy is mentioned below.

When your opponents have weak hands: 

One of the scenarios, where  this tactic is considered profitable is for the players who play passively after the flop. In other words, if the opponent checks or calls after the flop, the chances are that they are waiting for better cards on the turn or on the river. In that case, you need to play aggressively and frighten them into folding, but also take into consideration that their betting strategy may involve bluffing as well.

When you are playing against tight opponents: 

Tight opponents usually play only certain hands that have potential. They will usually fold their starting hand or on the flop if the cards are not that strong. So, one can claim that they often doubt their potential hand. 

Showing aggression is always a great weapon to put them in doubt and make them want to fold. Therefore, whenever you see a tight opponent increasing their bets, it means they have great hands. 

Yet, by playing aggressively, you can doubt your opponents and bluff them into folding after they increase their bets. Of course, you have to be very cautious in this type of situation, as sometimes the tight player starts fighting back, as they might have strong hands.

When opponents think you’re playing tight: 

Aggressive playing can sometimes be a great weapon to force the opponent to fold their hand who believes that you’re playing tight. If you have folded your hand several times, and your opponents suspect you to be on a tight side, then you can use aggression as bluffin to win the game. 

In this situation, I am talking about bluffing rather than value betting. Let’s say you are tight for 10-plus hands and then you start betting aggressively. Perhaps your opponents will think something like, “Okay this player folded many hands and was playing tight, now he has got strong hands. So, I better fold or be vigilant.” In fact, you don’t really have good cards, but just by making others believe that you have a good hand, you can bluff in poker as your way out.

The scenario mentioned above is not the only time where you can use an aggressive approach to win Poker. In the end, it depends on you if you’re able to analyze the situation and apply the best possible tactic. After you’re ascertain of what types of players are at your table, you will be able to use the best possible poker strategy.

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