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How to Play Perfect Bluff in Poker

  • Published Date April 15, 2020
  • By Admin


How to play perfect bluff in online poker game

 It is hard to find good bluffing Poker strategies these days. Many books and videos focus on how to play poker with good hands to win the big pot. But what about if you have a junk hand and want to bluff your opponent out of the pot. Well, that is why I have come up with the bluffing tips that the expert players use to win the pot with a bad hand.  Probably this will help some novice players who still don’t know how exactly to bluff. Here are some tips on how to play and bluff in Poker games for playing and turning your Poker face into a profit.

How to play and bluff in Poker online games

Understand your opponents: 

Before making any move, it is vital to understand which type of opponents you are playing against. You need to analyze the body language and betting pattern to evaluate their skills and determine the strength of their cards. Usually, a player who always call never fold their cards. 

A newbie will call your bluff without thinking of your playing pattern, past records, bet size, etc. A passive player who frequently folds is the perfect option to pull off a bluff. Bluff only if you are playing against maximum two opponents. If you make bluff against more than two opponents, there are chances they might be holding strong hands to call your bet.

Create a table image: 

Your table image is more important than in any other card game. After all, it is your opponents who will eventually determine whether you bluff is successful or not. Let’s say you have bluffed twice or thrice in a row and get called. Your opponents now know that you are bluffing and be a little reckless and that you can bluff more in the future.

In such a situation, you should avoid bluffing because your opponents will likely call you weaker. After all, they have seen what you are capable of. On the other hand, if you are one of the tight players who play online poker with limited hands, they will likely believe that you have a strong hand.

Your position: 

While playing poker online the position you are in compared to your opponents is an essential factor. It plays a vital role in your successful bluff. Generally, before you decide to bluff, you want to see how your opponents respond to the board. Hence, making a late position more profitable than early position. If your opponents check you may assume they have weak hands. If you bet or check first, you won’t be having any benefit to seeing their reaction first.  

Whether you should bluff or not should be based on the information you have about your opponents and their hand strength. If your opponents show weakness by checking, you can fire another bet. If they come out firing, you may concede.

Go for flop bluffing: 

If the circumstances are right and you are confident in your bluffing, then it is generally effective to bluff on the flop. That is because nearly 2/3 of the time your opponents are going to miss out a strong hand on the flop. Even if they are lucky, they will back out without investing any money. 

You do not have to go nuts, however, by applying some pressure on your opponents on the flop can lead to bluff someone out. This strategy is effective only when your hole cards are pretty good.


Semi-bluff is less risky than a total bluff. It occurs after the flop or turn when you still have chances to improve your hand on the turn or the river. Technically you are bluffing because you do not have a strong hand, but you still have a possibility to make a better hand. 

If you prefer to semi-bluff, it can help you to build a good pot in case you do complete a draw, but ultimately your main aim remains the same – to make your opponents fold. There is no assurance that you can make a strong hand by the river. However, the fact that you can improve your hand makes a semi-bluff worth adding in your arsenal.

Hopefully, now you are relatively well versed in what you need to do to effectively bluff in Poker. Although it might seem fun to bluff all the time, it is certainly not a part of a winning strategy. It is important to choose the right time, against the right opponents and with the right image. Use this power occasionally and wisely. After all, there is nothing better than winning a huge pot using the art of bluffing alone. Now, as you are aware of the bluffing tips, it’s time to practice it. The best way to learn poker online is by trying on a digital platform. Start practicing your bluffing skills and become a poker card game pro. Just sign up and play online Poker games on Gamentio.

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