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Strategies to Deal With Downswing in an Online Poker

  • Published Date May 4, 2020
  • By Admin


When you are in a bad patch, irrespective of how good or bad the cards you get, you will still lose. This is known as downswings. It is an inevitable part of the Poker game. When you are in a bad situation, it is impossible to predict and look for ways to overcome it. Whether you are a beginner player in the game or a professional player on the planet, it does not matter. At some point, the variance will take its toll on you. 

Many players yield to tilt, making their situation worse. The outcome of the inappropriate and improper behaviour mostly turns out into a long-drawn decline in the game and despair. If you have been experiencing Poker downswings more often, it is advisable to revise your behaviour towards the game in general. Consider the following effective strategies to deal with them:

1. Take some time off: If you feel that downswing is starting to affect your mental state adversely, you must consider taking a break. By taking some time off and stop playing, Poker can be the perfect reset that your brain needs. It also helps you to deal with the negative feelings that accompany downswings. Occasionally we can all get burnt out, and a downswing can just worsen the negative mood. So, seeking any other place for your competitive juices will refresh you as well as also save your bankroll. 

2. Play low-stake temporarily: Downswings can be tough both on your confidence and your bankroll. The best way to get back on your feet is to play low-stakes games temporarily. By doing so, you can play the game with lower-stress level. You can focus on beating the softer opponents with the weight of the money off your shoulder. This will help to settle you down and focus again on playing solid Poker. If you are running bad, sometimes few winning sessions regain your confidence. Once you feel you are confident, you can jump back into your normal game. 

3. Perspective: Let’s presume that you have made 2,00,000 in profit over the last year from playing online Poker. Now, you are in the middle of a 35,000 downswing. At this time, don’t think of making that money back rather than think of things that you have accomplished over the last few years. You are still a winning player who made a massive profit. Downswings are simply part of the game, which is natural and happens to everyone. Do not let the temporary downswing let you down.

4. Avoid making constant changes: As a Poker player, you should avoid making radical changes in your game at the time of bad beat or bad runs of cards. You should not be looking for a quick-fix way to turn your Poker losing into winning. These small quick-fixes have an effect on your overall style of playing Poker. These constant changes fail to improve your playing style and hardly help to battle the downswings in Poker. That is why, the more constant changes, the greater the effect of that change. 

5. Study: Take this chance to stop playing and study more. There are many Poker books and strategy articles that can help to improve your game.  Review your hands and analyze your strategy. Talk to your mentors. Spending some time to study your hands and fixing your flaws will not only increase your confidence but will also boost your expected ROI. 

Downswings happen to everyone at some point. Remain calm, concentrate and play your best in every hand. Keep a positive mindset. Remember one thing, when you play online Poker don’t ever try to chase your losses. It is the usual gambler’s way trying to win back their money which almost always leads in disaster.  Don’t let the downswing ruin you - rather, learn from it, as all the world’s best Poker player has done in the past.   

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