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Why is Patience the key while playing Poker?

  • Published Date June 7, 2018
  • By Admin

One of the most underrated skills in the poker world is patience. Both patience and discipline are key elements to actually winning poker hands believe it or not.

You could be one of the best players around, know the best play in specific hand scenarios, be able to read people, yet you could make far less money than someone who takes their time.

When you learn poker, it can be difficult to take your time. You want to feel the rush and excitement. But the only way you’re going to be bringing in winning poker hands all the time, you need to learn to make the correct, and most strategic plays. To do that requires time, patience.

Patience Is A Virtue

Whether it’s online poker or you beginning to learn poker strategy, you want to take the time to wait. Wait for the good starting hands to come in and then start to play aggressive.

The idea in the end is to be selective in what hands you play. When you lack patience you will start playing every hand with the hopes of winning big or eliminating someone from the table. This can only spell bad news for you as you risk calling a raise and you get put into a situation where you lose that round.

Be Selective

The thing is you want to be selective with your battles. That in essence is patience. Waiting for your time to jump in and play a hand is an exercise of patience, but also of strategy too.

In these kind of situations you get the opportunity to pay attention to players and understand the plays that are being made too. Poker is about reading people, but also being able to read into plays. So even when you have difficulty reading people, you can still read their plays.

For example, many people are fond of hands where they get tens or face cards. It might be the perfect opportunity to jump in and play aggressively. But what if someone else raises as well? Does that mean that out of all the hands you have a winning poker hands? Maybe, maybe not.

In that case you might want to back down, lest you be caught up in the flop and could dent your bankroll more than fill it.

You Can’t Lose Money You Don’t Bet

The biggest thing with exercising patience though is when you start to learn poker, practicing patience means you’re not losing any money. You could be playing with some of the best poker players in the world but you will never lose a dime if you fold every hand. Of course that’s outside of the blinds.

That is the power of folding and it’s an exercise of patience and one of the most valuable tools to a poker player. Whether it’s online poker or not, you have complete control over the plays that you make.

Folding is necessary as it’s more money on your side when a premium hand comes along. And it certainly will. It’s during those times where you want to be aggressive and seize the opportunity.

Patience Is Key

You will surely sink if you keep playing hand after hand. The little losses that chip away at you can wear you thin over time. It’s for this reason folding and exercising patience in that way will keep you in the game for longer, furthermore you’ll have the resources necessary for when a good hand comes around. That is the key to winning poker hands.

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