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The Winning Mindset For Poker

  • Published Date July 6, 2018
  • By Admin

What mindset should you have while playing online poker? This is the question you should ask before embarking on playing the game. There are lots of resources through which you can practise online poker for free in case you are just starting out and want to learn how to play poker, and not just play but win too. With continuous practice, you get to improve how you play and get even much better at winning.

Online poker, just like real time poker, depends a lot on a player’s state of mind as they play. Where a player’s mind is while placing bets and strategizing will influence how they fare in the game. Some of the ideal mindsets to have while playing poker include:



This is pretty simple to understand; when one is focused entirely on the task at hand, they get to give it 100% without distractions. Being a game of strategy, you need to keep your mind completely immersed in the game to remain lewd in the decisions you make. Distractions can make you lose your edge and in turn your concentration which in turn can make you lose.


Get a grip on your emotions

It’s easy to get annoyed or ticked off during a poker game especially if you suddenly lose your winning streak or end up on the receiving end of opponents’ taunts. However, a winning poker player will keep their emotions out of the game. This can be a daunting task sometimes as the board can be ruthless, keeping calm in such situations helps a player retain a clear state of mind and make decisions that are rational as opposed to emotional.



This might sound obvious but as they say, practice makes perfect and it wouldn’t hurt you to sign up for some free online poker practice sessions to help perfect your hand. Ironically, no one is perfect and everyone has room for improvement and so just taking a few practice sessions to improve on how you play is not a waste of time.


Get in the game

While playing online poker, one might be tempted to just go with the flow as opposed to strategizing and making valuable moves since it’s online and you are probably using virtual currency. This is a huge mistake. Any poker game should be treated as a real poker game in order to make significantly valuable moves that win money. When you get in the game you can anticipate opponents’ possible moves and make your own moves knowing what potential options they have on the table.



Contrary to the popular opinion that poker is entirely a game of chance, you can strategize your way to more winnings. Just knowing what cards you have and what possible moves your opponents can make can change the game. Keenly watching and analyzing moves will help you anticipate your opponent's moves and make the most strategic moves you can make and in turn win more. Playing blindly may yield results but that is not guaranteed as opposed to strategizing based on probability.

While these may not be the only ideal mindsets to have as you go about your online poker, it is important to know that there could be more and they can be intermarried for the best practices.

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