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7 Pre-flop Mistakes to Avoid At All Costs

  • Published Date December 12, 2019
  • By Admin

Poker is a skill-based game and requires a lot of practice, discipline and persistence, along with a strong understanding of rules, to win. Here today, we will discuss pre-flop mistakes to avoid in Poker but before that let’s first know what exactly pre-flop is.


In Poker, pre-flop is the action that happens before the flop is dealt face-up by the dealer. The Poker game starts with two cards being dealt face-down to each player. These two face-down cards are called Hole cards and are only visible to individual players. After placing the small blinds and the big blinds in this round, the players can bet, raise, call or fold based on the strength of their cards.


Let’s now discuss the top pre-flop mistakes to avoid in poker.



  1. Limping: Limping means to call a minimum bet amount to stay in the hand. This mistake is made by most Poker players. By just calling minimum bet amount, you are making the pot stronger and your opponent may act smartly and aggressively, which in turn could bring more harm than good for you.


  1. Lack of Table Position Knowledge: Many of the players do not know the Poker Table Position, which is one of the very important aspects of becoming a pro. Knowing the table position, you can decide which hand to play and which not to. Let's take an example of  “mid-position”. If you have more players behind you to play, then it’s better to play a tight game and only call when you have a good hand, whereas if you’re second last or last to play, then you can play smartly by raising in order to steal the pot amount. Hence, having knowledge of table position in Poker helps play smartly and win most of the times.


Poker Table Position


  1. Playing too tight against a raise: A common mistake that most players make is calling a raise or going for the minimum bet even when they have good cards in the very first betting round. If you have a weak hand, it’s better to fold than going for raise or minimum bet, as your opponents will figure out that you don’t have a good hand and they will play aggressive, resulting in unnecessary loss of yours. On the other hand, when you have good cards, and you just raise or call, you will not increase the strength of the pot which can deprive you of making the most of your two good cards if you win.

  2. Playing Blind Tight: When you are at Big-Blind (BB), you have the maximum advantage as the minimum amount has already been deducted and you can evaluate how much your opponent has contributed to the pot. When you have a good hand at BB, you can raise and make your opponent fold, whereas in a weak hand, you can just do a check.


  1. Playing Small Blind Tight: The small blind is the position where you can raise even if you do not have a very good hand just to steal the dead pot. Playing tight at Small blind will give the advantage to your opponent sitting on Big Blind by leaving the impression that you have a weak hand, which is highly likely to galvanize your opponents to play aggressively.


  1. Overestimate Face Cards: Many players act aggressively when they have face cards of different suits. Such cards are valuable but there’s no guarantee that they will help you win the pot for sure. Hence, either wait for the community cards to be dealt by the dealer or make a decision based on your table position.


  1. Too Much Raising: Raising without the knowledge of hand-range or Poker Hand Matrix and table position can put you in danger. Always move aggressively when you have a good hand and act smartly using the strength of your position.


Last but not least, becoming a successful in poker is not as easy as it may look. It requires a lot of skills, patience and discipline that can only be achieved by doing a lot of practice. For that, there are many Free online Casino platforms (Gamentio is one of them) where you can register, practice and even play for cash using desktop/laptop or mobile App.

That’s all, keep practicing to improve your Poker skills. You can also play free poker coins games to get enough practice before you go to play Online poker Cash Game or Online Poker Tournaments. I hope this blog will help you avoid the pre-flop mistakes and guide you to become a pro and win a lot more. Stay tuned for more on cash game tips.


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