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Guess Your Opponent's Hand Before the Flop

  • Published Date July 13, 2018
  • By Admin

If you've long been enjoying online poker or other online casino games, you should have understood by now that what allows a person take advantage against other players is knowing how and when to guess their hands and use that knowledge before the flop.

However, your experience as a poker player may have made you realize that deducing the strength of the hand from the other player's physical reactions and “tells” isn't a simple task. But you can be convinced that you will undoubtedly get there and do this relatively accurately over time as you get more experience.

Even though reading your player's hand could be difficult, with three strategies I will be revealing below will afford you the luxury of guessing your opponent's hands, that way, it will give you an edge that will positively impact on your winning streak.

Nonetheless, if you don't have a problem believing that you can actualize that, what of those actors, that is experts on the table with habits, reactions, and tics that seem difficult to overcome?

These three strategies will take you on the winning path.

Detecting a Weak Hand: This habit is simple. All you need do is study your opponent, see if he has started analyzing and staring down to the other players in a bid to intimidate them. This shows that he has nothing or no hands that can be beaten.

Although, it is common to see amateur and beginner hold their breath when they have a weak hand since doing that gives no clue to their opponent that they are bluffing.

Therefore, they might apply the strategy as mentioned above. But, when you see them staring down to intimidate. Then, he has a weak hand, and you can use it to your advantage judiciously.

Identifying a Drawing Hand: The easiest way to discover when an opponent owns a drawing hand is when you have keen attention on the time it takes them before he calls a bet.

In fact, the situation becomes apparent when he uses that time, so he can calculate things in his head. Put simply; your opponent is adding and checking the odds of having the desired card.

Another simple indicator to identify a drawing hand is when your opponent uses much time to check and recheck the board after a flop. Be rest assured that if he owns a strong side, he will pay little or no attention to monitoring the board again.

Spotting a Good Hand: Let's start with an armature. When a beginner has an excellent hand, it is usual to see them complain about it, they think out loud in a way that displays disinterest and lack of impression by it. And on the other hands, he progresses in his betting and raising. Then, why the complaint? It is a simple way to exteriorize the excitement gotten from the right cards.

But, an expert wouldn't give way to vocalizing, because it can spot a sign. But you can still guess that they have good hands. From the display of physical signs. For example, shaking hands, consistent desire to look back and forth at the chips and cards, and rapid breathing.

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