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How to Handle a Small Pocket Pair in Poker

  • Published Date July 10, 2018
  • By Admin

Poker is a game of skill and luck, and despite what anybody may tell you, in order to succeed you generally need a healthy combination of both. It doesn’t matter how much free poker practice you get, if luck isn’t on your side you aren’t going to get anywhere fast. When it comes to playing a poker game however, it certainly pays to understand the rules and know the true value of the cards you are dealt. Today we are going to be looking at pocket pairs to help you master your poker strategy to get the most out of your game. Pocket pairs in any poker game can be extremely beneficial, providing you know how to utilize them correctly. To ensure your poker strategy is tip-top, here’s a look at how to handle a small pocket pair in poker.

Pocket pairs – In the world of poker, pocket pairs is one of the most coveted hands in existence. Statistically you will receive pocket pairs once out of every seventeen deals, and if you use them correctly, they will work for you. Used incorrectly however, and you will get down your chips like there’s no tomorrow. We don’t want that, we want you to get the most out of each game, so it pays to make use of free poker practice to ensure you’ve mastered the art of using pocket pairs. Small pocket pairs can range from 22 through to 66, in which any other pair of a higher number would be considered a high or a medium pocket pair. Though small, or low, they are deceptively powerful as they are ahead of most other cards pre-flop. It’s what happens after the flop, that determines whether your pocket pairs are effective or not.

The downside to pocket pairs – As mentioned, in a poker game, if you are fortunate enough to have small pocket pairs, you are in a strong starting position. Like many other hands however, this can change in an instant after the flop. If you hold small pocket pairs, the flop could then bring over cards which would result in an under pair for the board. Basically it can make it very tricky to know whether we are ahead, as our opponents could have a stronger hand. To find out whether or not we are indeed ahead, we would need to reveal the turn and the river, which could prove very costly and would be a real gamble.

Pocket pairs and sets – The true value of small pocket pairs becomes apparent when they become stronger to create a set upon the flop. A set is when a player is able to make 3-of-a-kind from small pocket pairs on the flop. In terms of a poker strategy, if you are able to make a set, this is very beneficial as a set is a strong hand and subsequently it could result in you making a significant amount of money from it. You shouldn’t try playing a small pocket pair postflop, as it is a big gamble that is unlikely to pay off. So, aim to create a set on the flop, and if not, you may have to fold.  
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