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What is the Probability of Getting a Royal Flush?

  • Published Date July 6, 2018
  • By Admin

If you consider yourself a keen gamer, and we’re talking real card games here, not computer games, you won’t need anybody to tell you how popular poker is. Poker has been popular for centuries and is now more enjoyable and versatile than ever. Whether you’re looking for free poker practice online, or if you want to work on your poker strategy, you’ll no doubt want to give yourself the best possible chances of succeeding. This is where online poker games prove so useful, because you can play them online, at any time and anywhere. When playing poker, there is one hand in particular that keen poker enthusiasts from all over the globe, salivate at the thought of receiving. The hand in question is the Royal Flush, and it’s this hand we’re looking at today. Below, to help you work on your poker strategy, we are going to look at the probability of getting a Royal Flush in poker.

What is a Royal Flush?

This isn’t the sound emanating from the bathroom of Buckingham Palace, a Royal Flush is a hand in the game of poker. This isn’t just any old hand though, it’s the daddy of them all. A flush in poker is where the hands in your card are all of the same suit. When it comes to flushes however, it’s important to note that different flushes can be achieved. A Royal Flush however, is very specific. This is because the value of each of the five cards are all specified and predetermined. A Royal Flush comprises of a 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace, all of the exact same suit. As there are only four suits (Clubs, Spades, Diamonds, and Hearts) this means that there are only 4 potential Royal Flushes which can be dealt.

So, what is the probability of being dealt a Royal Flush?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re playing online poker games to simply get some free poker practice in, or if you’re really looking to work on your poker strategy, one of your main priorities will be to build yourself a Royal Flush if given the chance. The chances of you being dealt a Royal Flush are very slim indeed. There are 2.6 million possible poker hands, and out of these 2.6 million possible hands, only 4 are Royal Flushes. The chances of you being dealt a Royal Flush are 0.00015%. Just to give you an idea of how rare that is, say for each day of the year, you were dealt 20 poker hands. Each year you would get 7300 hands. Over the course of 79 years, the odds are that you would only see ONE Royal Flush. This shows us that Royal Flushes being dealt outright in online poker games, at the casino, or at your friend’s poker table, are extremely rare indeed. The thing to remember, is that we can beat the odds so don’t let this discourage you, as you can use your free poker practice to work on your poker strategy and familiarize yourself with some of the stronger hands. Who knows, you could be dealt a Royal Flush the very next time you play, though the odds certainly are not in your favour.
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