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How to beat opponents in an online Poker Tournaments

  • Published Date February 21, 2018
  • By Admin

Poker players always strive to find the perfect strategy to out-do their opponents. In tournaments when the stakes are high, the perfect strategy becomes even more important. Just a quick Google search on poker tournaments will yield over a thousand search results. Most social players are often looking for a quick list of tips to get the upper hand on their opponents. Most professional players hold their strategy secrets close to home and do not often willing share them.

Here are a few tips on how to beat opponents at online poker.


1.Poker is not a quick game of chance

Should you be new to online poker, be prepared for a long sit. Most online poker tournaments take up to seven or more hours. Patience is one virtue that is required to make sure you have the upper hand on your opponents.


There are times when you buy-in at 6 p.m and finish at 6 a.m. For night owls, this is perfect but for those that need to go work the next day, perhaps not the best option. Always, make sure you know what you are getting in for with online poker tournaments, it is a long all-night session.


2. Be prepared for the highs and lows

The number of opponents with online poker can be huge. This will result in major variances in the stakes. Be prepared for the highs and lows that go with it. Also, make sure you have enough cash supplies to run with the high stakes.


3. Keep it simple

Do not try to be too elaborate during the tournament. You could come up against a bid wall and not be able to continue with further bids. Opponents that you cannot see will not be able to interpret your intentions, they are only caught up in the play at hand and hopefully win.

Keeping it simple with online poker tournaments will do you more favors than trying to play like the big professional players.

Although keeping your plays simple is sound advice, that does not mean you should minimize your stakes. In low-end tournaments, you can get away with high stakes. This is due to your opponents constantly calling your bets so take advantage of the situation.


4. Look and listen

There are always poker players that complain about bad luck and have any number of excuses for the loss such as “I can’t ever win”, “They always play against you”. What these players won’t confess is that their lack of observation of the current best led to their loss. It is vital to constantly pay attention to what is going on. The slightest distraction or not paying attention to your opponents move could lead to a few or even big loses.

With online poker tournaments, do not try and play a balanced style. That makes you predictable to your opponents. Instead, have fun. Most online poker tournaments are low stakes and social. You can use these opportunities to follow the tips mentioned above and improve your style for some high stake action at the tables.

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