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Reasons Why You Are a Rookie in Free Poker

  • Published Date February 19, 2018
  • By Admin

Free poker games online can be a great pass time to get into. They can help you build up your skill in a safe environment so that you can later use those skills to play with your friends, and maybe even make a little money in online tournaments. But getting started in poker can be a real drag. If you don't have any experience with the game you can find yourself getting stuck in a losing cycle and this can be quite frustrating. Poker games needs certain skills to be played well and learning these can take time, however there are some things you can look out for to make sure you are actually sharpening your skills and not just going around in circles. Here are some things you should be on the lookout for in your own playing.

-Too Many Hands Before the Flop

One of the biggest mistakes that new players make is to play too many hands before the flop. The flop refers to Texas Hold'em poker hands and other community card games, and the flop is when the three face-up cards are revealed. Many rookie poker players make the mistake of playing too many hands before this and thus ruining their chances at the game.

-Too Many Hands After the Flop

This relates back to the first point. Another thing that rookie players are sure to do is to play hands far past the flop when they should have folded. To be a good poker player you need to learn how to choose the right hands and obviously when to fold. Playing with any air or any draw to the river will just get you into trouble and show that you don't know what you are doing. You should generally only continue after the flop if you have a strong hand.

-Playing by Your Gut

Because new players haven't gathered enough information about the game yet, they often play by gut feeling and how the cards make them feel. This is guaranteed to make you a bad poker player. Poker is a mathematical game that needs careful consideration and analysis. Going by how the cards make you 'feel' and not by considering whether this hand is most likely to win you a round, is going to leave you feeling and looking like a loser.


We have all heard of a poker face, now it's time to start using yours. Poker can be a stressful and frustrating game, especially when you start out with it. Letting your emotions get the better of you will only lead to poor decisions and even more frustration. You need to learn how to control your emotions and not take them to the table with you. This relates back to the last point because poker is a mathematical game, not an emotional one.

Poker is a game of skill and one that you will need to work at, but free online poker is a good place to start.

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