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5 Weird Poker Player Superstitions

  • Published Date March 7, 2017
  • By ridhima arora


Superstitions have been part of our society since the dawn of mankind. Everyone of us to some extent do believe in some irrational, wacky superstitious beliefs. Some people convince themselves that certain rituals can bring them good luck.

Poker players are no different and there are several players who rely on several pre-event rituals or bring good luck charms to the table.  Let us have a look at some of the absurd actions performed by poker players to appease Lady Luck.

Johnny Chan,  two-time WSOP Main Event champion, is often seen with an orange at the poker table. He considers it as his lucky charm.


Johnny Chan.jpg


When smoking was still allowed in poker rooms, Johnny Chan used to bring an orange to the table to sniff when the cigarette smoke bothered him. The orange then became a trademark for his high-stakes wins.


Despite being a non-smoker, Sam Farha always keeps an unlit cigarette in his mouth as his lucky charm.


sam farha.jpg


He doesn’t smoke.  He has a cigarette because one time, during a losing session, someone offered him a cigarette and he took it despite being a non-smoker. He then immediately started winning and Sam has done it ever since.



Greg Merson won the 2012 World Series of Poker Main Event and bagged the $8.53 million title of the year. He believed in the unique jersey superstitions. He wore a different sports jersey each day of the Main Event.

2011 WSOP Main Event Champ Pius Heinz wore the white Hugo Boss hoodie during the entire week-long event. He never believed in superstitions. He simply started wearing the hoodie because it was comfortable. Pius kept wearing it day after day as the event proceeded and started considering it his lucky charm.



Even his fans wore white hoodies to keep the magic alive. He won the championship worth $8,715,638.


It is well known that Doyle Brunson is the legendary poker player in the world. Doyle’s lucky charm is a black rock with a Ghostbusters picture on it named Casper. He uses the rock to protect his cards.




The stone’s ability to bring lucky streak is so powerful that Brunson was able to rent it out to other players. He brings in extra cash by lending his lucky stone at $200 for 30 minutes. Doyle claims that the little black stone has earned him more than $15,000.


Do you believe in superstitions? Do you believe in lucky charms and pre-game rituals? Or, do you strongly believe that practise and skill are your only assets? Let us know in the comments below!


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