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Think You're An Expert On Free Online Poker? Keep Reading and You'll Find Out.

  • Published Date March 2, 2017
  • By ridhima arora



Poker takes many forms. One of such forms is online poker, in which players take part over the internet. Thanks to the impressive internet availability in different parts of the world, this game has recorded large numbers of new poker players. After playing free online poker for several years, you would start to think and believe you are an expert in the game. If that is the case, continue reading to find out.

To get some things out of the way, it is worth delving into the mindset of poker players. If you are already one, then you will attest to the fact that the game is more than just observing the poker rules. One has to employ the most effective poker strategies to boost the chances of winning. In doing so, you will always have to think and seek questions about your opponents. Clearly, you will decipher a lot of information from their body language and actions.

As highlighted, experienced online poker players tend to have amassed a great deal of information about the game. Apart from thinking about your next game play or strategy, you could consider something different like taking on some quick fire question regarding the game to test your understand of the same. Here are some of the questions. You could faithfully answer each question without checking the next section that has the answers.

  1. You hit “Broadway” on the River. What kind of hand do you have?

  2. Which  hand has the nickname "Big Slick"?

  3. What are the odds of being dealt a pocket pair?

  4. What are your odds of being dealt pocket Aces?

  5. At a poker table, the fishhook refers to what?

  6. If you start without a pair what are the chances that you will make a pair (or better) on the flop?

  7. What two down cards are known as "the dog"?

  8. Is it bad etiquette to show any cards while there are two or more other players competing for the pot? Yes or No.

Online Poker Quiz Answers

To start with, it is worth noting that the above questions cover a small area of online poker. If you manage to answer all the questions without checking the answers, then you have a considerable understanding of this game. As such, your chances of hitting many winning poker hands like Royal flush and Straight flush should be high.

The answers to the above, in order form, are as follows:   

  1. 10-J-Q-K-A

  2. A-K

  3. approx 6 % or 16 to 1

  4. 220     to 1 or 0.45% chance

  5. Jacks

  6. If you start without a pair, it’s 3-to-1 or 33% against making a pair or better on the flop.

  7. K 9

  8. Yes, it’s true that it’s bad etiquette to show any cards while there are two or more other players competing for the pot. Doing so can influence the way those opponents play against each other.

If you are new to free online poker, testing your knowledge using such questions will help you learn faster. You can access many platforms where you can learn poker for free.

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