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Poker: Cash Games vs Tournaments

  • Published Date December 22, 2016
  • By Admin

Why the buzz is always about only a specific variance of Poker? Yes right, we are talking about Texas No Limit Holdem. Well it is simply because of the level of skill associated with the game and the competitiveness offered by Texas Holdem. There is certainly a range of hands which are completely refined and sticking to them is guaranteed to pay you huge dividends in the long run.


Poker has gone really big in the last few years and even in countries like India and Phillipines, which were literally devoid of any Poker action, now have an immense liking for the game. But there is always a debate among the aspiring and existing players intending to make a living, whether they should play Cash games or Tournaments to make money.


Texas No Limit holdem has also been considered as another sport in the last two decades and owing to the popularity of the game, there are more and more tournaments being organized Worldwide, every year. World Series Of Poker (WSOP), World Poker Tour (WPT), European Poker Tour (EPT), Pokerstars Carribbean Adventure (PCA) and Asian Poker Tour (APT) are some of the leading tournaments played every year throughout the World.


Some of these tournaments like WSOP and EPT which started off as merely tournaments are huge brands in themselves now. It is not like the professional players playing tournaments are the only ones making consistent profits. Infact it is far more difficult to win a tournament with a huge field rather than being a regular cash game winning player. If you follow Poker closely you will agree with the fact that in a tournament like WSOP Main Event, if a player is in the money 3-4 years in a row, forget final tabling it, that is a huge accomplishment.


To be honest even though all of the major tournaments are doing well and every year the number of participants goes up, I still believe that it is a result of the overall increasing popularity of the game. The fact is that there are a million players playing cash games, both live and online throughout the World each day. Just that this fact does not highlighted is because there is no coverage of cash games anywhere ever.


Although the exact date is still not clear but since online poker was banned in the United States, 2010-2011, since then even some of the cash games that were televised featuring the stars of the game then, were completely ceased. Shows like High Stakes Poker, Poker After Dark and The Big Game which were regularly televised and featured some of the big names till date, Phil Ivey, Tom Dwan, Phil Helmuth, Doyle Brunson and Barry Greenstein, just to name a few.


Cash games are something which almost 3/4 of the total Poker playing population prefers. This is just because of there reason that unlike a tournament which could last anything between a few hours to days, cash game sessions can be fairly short depending on how much time and money a player is willing to invest. So it becomes easy to manage and if you can play regularly, be patient and stick to the basics of the game, you’ll be a winning player in no time.


With Tournaments a player needs to be a lot more patient as compared to the level while playing cash games. Besides this you need to be playing only a range of selective hands. Everytime you plan to play a tournament, you should be well prepared to invest hours as most tournaments, with decent number of participants will last atleast 5-7 hours.


Well there is obviously a lot more to learn whether you are playing cash games or tournaments but for now these are the few basic that you need to know to start of with the game, cash or tourneys. Stick to these and you shouldn’t do bad if not make huge profits instantly.


Sushil Kakkar

Poker Strategic Blog Writer for Logic Simplified




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