When you’re sitting down in front of the poker game table you have a good look at your opponents and find yourself feeling a little intimidated.There is a type of uniform many wear in poker such as dark sunglasses, low hats and headphones. These players may have trouble hiding their facial expressions, so they need to hide them.Your opponents will have weapons and their own style that they play with, knowing their style and changing yours around to work with theirs can aid you in winning.
Here are some well known playing styles that poker players have:
Fish/calling station
This term is used when you are describing someone who continuously calls bets and hardly raises no matter what their hand is. Calling stations get rewarded for such poor play by any lucky cards that may arise.
this is the opposite on the fish. The rock is someone who is unwilling to take any risks and will only play a premium hand. These players are content and are happy to sit back and will blind themselves into oblivion if it is needed.This player will only play aces, queens, kings and occasionally the AK. If you get raised by a nit most likely they have something good.
This is someone that is inexperienced and could do with some free poker practice.Someone who simply doesn’t have the know-how. Noobs don’t want to learn more on their own. Newbies often have the intelligence to play but lacking the experience. Noobs are the type to not have any enthusiasm to learn things for themselves.
The Maniac
Maniacs tend to play every hand and either raise or re-raise with two cards. These players like to create action and enjoy watching it unfold. Maniacs pose a threat to your game as they are aggressive and will test you. The maniacs can create a profitable situation for players who remain calm and use the right strategies.
ABC Poker
If someone is an ABC poker player it means they play by the book. They are straight forward with no sophistication. ABC poker is played by someone who outranks a novice. They are aware that they should raise x3 the big blind and all about the blind structure.ABC poker is normally given to someone who gets exploited through aggression.Playing the ABC poker strategy will most likely leave you break-even or worse.
Sharks are crafty. These players are good at every part of the game. The skill in this style is adjusting your play to suit all the other playing types. Sharks are hard to read, and you will find yourself asking questions in your head about his gameplay.Sharks are good at drawing out of hand as much money as they can.
The Coffee Houser
These players will use their talking to try and mislead the other players about the strength of a hand. Coffee housing is known as bad etiquette in the UK. This type of player will know how to read others and know exactly how to look and bet like they are chasing or have a bad hand.