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Online Poker Tournaments

  • Published Date July 31, 2018
  • By Admin

Online poker tournaments have become very popular. Poker which was once a game limited to casinos in Las Vegas has now entered mainstream culture. Online poker is played over internet. Online poker rooms allow players to play for very low stakes. They also offer free roll tournaments to attract beginners. There are also tournaments called Satellites which allow winners to gain entry to real life tournaments. Chris Moneymaker played such a tournament on Poker Stars and gained entry to the 2003 World Series of Poker. He went on to win the main event.

There are many online poker games which are very popular. They are Texas Hold’em, Omaha Hold’em, Seven card stud, 2-7 triple draw and Chinese poker.

Features of an online poker tournament

An online poker tournament begins at a predetermined time. Each player starts with the same number of chips. Players play until they are eliminated by losing all their chips. Finishers are paid on a descending scale from the winner down. Players who finish below the lowest paid spot leave with nothing.

Buys vary from few pennies to $1 million online. Some of the different online poker tournaments are

Multi table Tournament


Turbo tournament


Satellite Tournament


Bounty Tournament


Weekly guaranteed Tournament

Tips and Strategies for playing a winning game

Allocate time

Online poker is not a casual game. Most of the tournaments take several hours to complete. Hence allocate sufficient time for this. Be prepared to spend some time on it. Address your human needs so that you do not get distracted by hunger or tiredness.

Be serious

The game must be played with full attention. Avoid distractions like multitasking if you are not suited to do so. Play the game with interest. Avoid playing out of boredom. Being bored will cause you to make mistakes.


In some tournaments you get a chance to top up your stack or re-buy. Remember to play within your bankroll.

Prize pool

Be aware of the prize pool before playing. These are known in advance. Knowing it will help in understanding whether the money you put in is worth it.

There are many tutorials available on playing the game. This is very useful for beginners. The right time to ‘bluff’, ‘tilt’, ‘fold’, ‘go blind’ etc are gained with tips from experts. Names of popular online sites available are given below.

Texas Hold’em Poker


This is a complete tutorial guide on playing the game of poker. There are pages dedicated to beginners. Different strategies and other information about the game are also available.

Mike Caro


This is a tutorial written by Mike Caro. The added attraction of this site is that it has video tutorials also.

For other poker variations


This site includes tutorials for other variations of poker. There are also guides for tournaments.

There are other sites like Free Tutorials, Good User Interface and Video Tutorials. YouTube also has many video tutorials. However, tutorials only help to know how to play the game but, actual application while playing helps in understanding better.

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