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How to Play a Poker Tournament Final Table

  • Published Date February 20, 2018
  • By Admin

For poker players, it doesn’t matter whether you play online poker tournaments, or if you play with at your buddy’s games room, the key objective is to make it to the final table of a poker tournament. For inexperienced players, making it to a poker tournament series final table is not only exciting, it is also daunting. The final table is something you will have been dreaming of for a long time, yet now that it’s here you won’t fully know what to do. This is where we come into the equation as we’ll now be sharing a few useful tips with you on what to do in online poker tournaments, when you make it to a poker tournament series final table for the very first time.

Hold your nerve – Now that you’ve made it to the final table it’s important that you hold your nerve and be patient. Nerves will undoubtedly play an important part in how you play the final table, but just try your best to keep them under control. Of course you’ll be eager to win, but don’t go rushing in all guns blazing. Keep your cool, hold your nerve, and play cautiously. All it takes is one wrong move and all of your hard work will potentially be undone in the blink of an eye.

Observe your opponents – As you’re playing in online poker tournaments you more than likely won’t actually be able to see your opponents in the flesh. That doesn’t matter however, because you can still observe them from behind a computer screen, tablet, or smartphone. When playing in a poker tournament series, study your opponents and try to spot any patterns in their play. For example, does one player like to bluff more than the others? Do they do anything out of the ordinary before they fold, call, or raise? Study your opponents throughout the game so that, if you do go up against them in the final, you give yourself a much better chance of beating them.

Be patient – Not only should you hold your nerve in the final, you should also be patient. Take your time and wait it out. Everybody on that table will be playing cautiously so don’t expect it to be over quickly. Play as cautiously as possible, and unless you are certain that you have an extremely strong hand, the best advice is to simply sit back and let your opponents take each other out first.

Accept that luck plays a part – Though some poker players genuinely believe that luck has nothing to do with the game, we all know that that is simply not true. Luck does play a certain role in the game of poker, and the sooner you accept that the better. If you do make it to the final table of a poker tournament series, it’s important that you understand that luck will play a part. You can’t control which cards you are dealt, just as you can’t really control which cards will be revealed on the flop, turn, and river. You just do what you need to do and hopefully lady luck will be smiling down on you during your first final.  
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