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Few Ways To Have More Fun At Poker

  • Published Date January 3, 2019
  • By Admin

Poker game is an addictive one. When you play free poker online, you quickly pick up the skills and learn how to execute the strategies. After enough practice, you go to an actual casino and actually bet on the money. Go inside and you’ll meet two types of people: the hardcore players and casual ones. It can be a high-pressure game or just for fun as a lot of people want in a poker game. Poker does not have to be very serious. Here are a few ways to have more fun.

People enjoy themselves more while playing with people they like. Go with people who send good vibes personally. Poker is more fun when you are at war against your opponents. Talk to people with simple chit-chat; don’t be 100% focused on your hand and don’t feel cold and distant at the table. Share an interesting story about the last trip to the table and the eccentrics you have met in the past to lighten up the game. You’ll be surprised of all the small talk people have with each other during a regular game of poker.

Also, it is good to laugh at yourself and your mistakes. It can diffuse those high-stake situations. Can’t argue which is the right strategy until the river and the flop show the result with the hands. Also, be nice. Being likeable at the table is more helpful than being the best player. If someone knocks you for a dumb move, don't react. This is where being a smartass hurts you when around others. It doesn't matter if other players see you as a terrible player or a bleeder, one where they can easily win against you. Just keep things light.

It also helps to be in a gambling mood and not just with the chips. In casual style, when playing cards with friends, people make bets on random things. Betting $10 if the flop is all one colour; putting $20 on having three 7s in the whole river. When there are new players, be nice and say hello and also say goodbye when someone leaves. Remember people's’ names if they mention it. The same with the dealers; they have to stand there, cut the cards, and be a perfectionist on how they distribute and flip the cards. It’s a job where you have to be on your toes. Tip them when it’s time to go. These little things do matter to people.

There are many free poker games you can play for fun online and learn from it or, look at a poker tutorial and it will give you the essentials of playing the game and it will remind you to have fun. Just don’t take it too seriously (unless you are in World Series of Poker) and you will succeed a lot.

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