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Advices That You Must Take Care to Before Entering Poker Tournaments

  • Published Date February 26, 2018
  • By Admin

Making poker game your hobby or profession is a good step in the right direction. Poker refers to a combination of card games, of which the goals are to gamble, develop schemes and skill. You can't separate betting from poker, because the winner must go home with cash rewards. Basically, the winner of a poker card game is determined by individual hand in accordance to the selection of his or her player's cards, which must still be concealed until one hand has completed its card cycle.

The lovers of poker are not just doing it for the fun of it or the gambling profits, they are also taking up the game as a profession and sometimes, a national tournament, which demands an intense preparation, is organized once in a while. Rich Ryan is an expert in poker matches and he shared five pre-poker tournament strategies that has helped him to be the best at his craft.

Engage in hands practice

Richie suggested two ways to do this. The first one is to play online in order to get in the competition mood, learn the rubrics and have clues on things to expect in real life settings. Second option is to visit poker clubs for casual evening tournaments. This will let you know your weak points, improve in shallow fold scheme, learn the right time to repeat lift-shoves or call-offs with about 20 large folds, etc.


Learn poker through the use of media tools

Richie recommended videos and podcasts, especially Meyvis and Brokos' episodic podcasts which give tips on particular hand and a winning idea. The duo usually focuses more on general applications that a poker gamer can adopt at tournaments.

Take enough rest

Don't ever ever trade your tournaments for a good sleep, Richie warns. Some players can get too greedy and overconfident to ignore taking rest because they want to beat all games.

"Sleeping well has been a part of my preparations before heading out for any poker game," says Richie. Resting well also prevents taking harmful substances into your body all in an attempt to control feeling sleepy.

Make food part of your preparations

Always take food along with you to any tournament, at least a small lunch box packed with healthy meals like salads, fruits and like Richie's favorite snacks, Granola and nuts. When you have your own cooked meal, you can be certain of not starving yourself or compelled to buy unhealthy foods commonly sold at the tournaments' stands.

Put on your best fashion sense

A more casual and relaxed dress will make other players feel comfortable with you, and even respect your presence at the tournament. Richie swore by a casual sweatshirt or a simple sweater. You may turn off your fellow players if you wear 'gangster style' attires because they may view you as a desperado who just wants to make the money and go away.

But with a more mature way of dressing, you'll probably gain some trust even among your opponents.

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