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4 Strategies to Deal with Poker Tilt

  • Published Date April 26, 2020
  • By Admin

                                                                                 What are the best 4 Strategies to Deal with Poker Tilt

There are various concepts to master to become a professional poker player. However, one holds the answer to your ultimate success, and it has nothing to do with cards. The skills to keep your emotions in check. Poker is a vivid game and can easily take an emotional toll on anyone. It takes patience, high stakes, and a lot of stress. Poker is not a good game either for a jittery player or for those who are prone to ‘Tilt’.

You might be thinking what does tilt mean? Well, tilt is a Poker term when a player performs poorly and plays poker online very unprofessional due to tension, stress, bluff gone awry, reacting badly to something said by any of your opponents or bad beats. Mainly, tilt takes place when you let these factors influence your game play. It is important to deal with tilt because Poker is a game of decisions. Just like drugs or alcohol harms your ability to think sensibly and logically, similarly, emotions will not let you win the game. So, it is important to avoid tilt in poker game. Here are the few strategies on how to deal with tilt in Poker:

Strategies to deal with tilt while playing online poker

Accept the truth: It is essential that you control the game and not let the game control you. Bad beats in poker might happen to anyone, and you are not an exception. Think positively about it and take it as an opportunity to learn. Every bad beat is a challenge and a chance for you not to tilt. You did your best, and you will give your best in your next game. What you can do is take notes, go back to basics and review your game. This will help you in the long term too.

Take mini-breaks: This is one of the most effective online poker strategy. Although I often play online real money poker, this poker strategy can be applied in a traditional casino also. Arguably, the most famous player for using this technique is Phil Hellmuth. This idea is known as mini-breaks. Even if you are not losing, a longer session can be innately frustrating. If you are breaking even, you maybe have gone down, up, down, and up again. Possibly you have grinded out a small pot and saw it evaporate after one or two bad pots. 

These sessions can cost you severely as much as longer sessions. So, to prevent this, it is better to take a break. Go for a short walk or refresh yourself with a cup of coffee. Take a bit of deep breathing or meditate to calm your mind. Honestly, I never play poker online for more than 2 hours without taking a break. If you evade mental stress, emotional, and physical stress, I guarantee you can prevent the tilt also.

Fix a stop-loss and stick to it: You must set a stop-loss before you start playing. It means you are fixing a particular amount that you are willing to lose. After losing that fixed amount, you quit playing. Regardless of how much free time you have or how juicy the tables are, you quit the session. You set the amount according to your emotions. 

How much can you afford to lose and remain level headed? For a beginner player, it might be 2-3 buy-ins, whereas a professional can lose 5-6 buy-ins. It is better to set a stop-loss before your losses affect your decision making. As you grow as a poker player, you can increase your stop-loss but only until you can manage with the underline tilt problem.

Importance of learning (mistake tilts): Bad luck is not only the cause of tilt in poker game for many players. In fact, it is the mistakes made by them. Mistake tilt is a serious problem and can have a severe impact on your game. If you beat yourself up for every mistake, it will lead you to self-loathing, disappointment, and lack of confidence in your game. When you watch an expert playing Poker on a TV, you admire him for how few mistakes they make and how solid they are. This is the outcome of the years of hard work. These players also began the same way as everyone does, i.e. playing terribly and making a lot of mistakes. 

What differs an expert player from a mediocre one is that they have understood how important mistakes are in order to improve. So, to deal with your mistakes is to learn from them. Whether you are playing online Poker or in a traditional casino, take notes of your hands, evaluate what went wrong and how you can do better next time. 

Whenever you realize that you are getting tilted, immediately stop playing. It is better to leave the game rather than making mistakes and draining your bankroll. Your first objective should be to refocus yourself so that your negative emotions of tilt don’t control you. Calm yourself and exercise daily. You can also start meditation as it has worked wonders for me. Return to the game when you are sure that you are mentally strong to give your best shot in the game.

These pro poker tips will not only improve your strategy but also increase your winning chances. It is vital to practice first at the practice table before heading to play for real money, as you will be competing against the pros. Gamentio is one such portal that gives you an opportunity to play for free until you feel confident about the game.

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