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Strategy to Play Big Stack in Poker Tournament

  • Published Date May 4, 2020
  • By Admin


 Often while playing online poker tournament games, you will find yourself in a situation with a big stack. Perhaps you might have been crushing your table all day, or suddenly you have been getting a surge of good hands. Irrespective of how you exactly accumulated the big stack, it doesn’t matter, now you are there. You need to adjust the poker strategy and learn how to manage your big stack effectively. Let’s discuss the strategies that you must use when playing with a large stack in a Poker tourney:

Strategy to Play Big Stack in Online Poker 

Increase your bet sizes: The first adjustment you should need to make while playing in poker online tournaments is to increase your pre-flop bet size. Let’s say if your normal open is 2-3 times the big blind, raise it to 4-5 times the big blind. By doing so, this sets the tone of the table. If you play and any of the opponents enter the pot with you, they are going to lose a lot of chips. Increasing the size of your bet will work in your favour when you are in a late position. 

Opponents who act before you must know that if you enter the pot, you will probably raise their standard opening bet. They will tighten up their game because they don’t want to give away their chips, knowing you may re-raise. This will come up with higher chances to scoop blinds and antes while applying pre-flop aggression. So, increasing your bet while playing is the simplest change in the game that you should make with a big stack.

Be aware of other big stacks: Many tournament players believe if possible big stacks should avoid each other. This is actually terrible advice when playing online poker. In fact, by playing with the players who have a big stack, can be the source of major chip upgrade for you. All you just need to be is a little more careful about your online poker strategy while playing with them. 

Instead of avoiding, what you should avoid doing is trying the Big Stack Bully Tactics. Avoid bluffing or re-raise pre-flop, of course, until unless you have a premium hand. Also, don’t automatically start firing out a continuation bet. Play normally against such players and safe the bully tactics for the small stack players.

Expand your range: Open up your range when your stack size is more significant than your opponents. You may usually be a tight player whose opening range is A-J, suited connectors J-10 or higher, and pocket pairs of 9s or higher. As you have a big stack, you can easily play more suited aces, small suited connectors, and set mines with lower pocket pairs. 

An advantage to expand your range as a strategy is that the opponents will notice your gameplay and will assume you are playing a little wider than usual. It will raise the probability of winning a bigger pot when you have a premium hand because your opponents will become less probable to lay their strong hands against you. They will be in the hope that you might be bluffing with your big stack.

Tight and Aggressive play: As you are sitting with a hefty chip stack, you can certainly manage to eliminate some of your opponents. But by doing so, you are also putting yourself in a risky situation. Remember one thing that while playing Poker online, you are never in complete control. Your short-stacked opponent might be landed with a strong hand- a hand which can take a sizable size of your stack. So, it is vital to play tightly and aggressively.  

Unless you have a monster head, there is no reason to go head-to-head over the remaining chips. Be disciplined in your decision-making. The reason is that by playing every hand will rapidly deplete your bankroll. So, by giving up the weak hands will maintain your big stack. Save your money and energy for the good hands.

By following the strategies mentioned above, you would be able to ride your big stack to the final table. It is also important to consider that when you are playing in a tourney, you have got enough time to develop a reputation with your opponents. 

Playing smart throughout the tournament by maintaining your large stack is an intimidating image to carry across to other players. If you are thinking of trying to make some big money, it is better to first practice them by playing online poker games. If you know how to play a poker tournament, you should first play for free to get familiar with the platform.Once you feel confident, go ahead to play for real money and win fantastic cash prizes on Gamentio.

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