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10 Legendary Casino Movies to Watch

  • Published Date April 21, 2020
  • By Admin


It has been a long week, all day working at your job, hectic lifestyle and then coming back home having dinner, spending some time with family and then finally bedtime. Well, then we have got the solution for you. The best way to relax yourself, lean back at your comfy sofa and enjoy your weekend by checking the best casino of all time. Once you get the popcorn ready, turn down the lights, and wrap your cosy blanket around you. 

The only thing you have to decide is now which of the following top ten legendary casino movies of all time you wish to dive into first. Below is the list of top ten casino movies that are full of suspense, action and thrill and worth watching.

Casino Royale

If you love the classic James Bond movie, then this incredible movie is just for you. MI 6 agent James Bond (Daniel Craig), Casino Royale was a huge hit. The movie portrays a rookie agent James Bond who sets out on his first mission as 007. He is sent to Montenegro where he has to defeat Le Chiffre. According to Secret Intelligence, Le Chiffre is planning to raise money in a high stakes Poker tournament, trying to win back enough money to appease his dangerous associates. 

His objective is to play against him and defeat his notorious host, which will result in the devastation of his illegal origination. Casino Royale is the first film by Daniel Craig as James Bond and the best bond movies of all time. It portrays the legendary agent in a new light and reveals exciting private high-stakes casino games.

The Gambler: 

The Gambler gives an insight into the mind (and life) of an addict in such a manner that no other gambling movie does. The story is about a man, played by James Caan, who lives a double complex life. To his family and friends, he is a university professor and a writer, whereas, on the other hand, he furtively has an addiction to casino gambling. 

This movie portrays the dark side of gambling addiction. As the film continues, Cann’s character is going down to the path of self-destruction and his mental state becoming unstable. As his borrowing turn out to be gradually worse and the need for thrill imperils his life, the movie creates a steady and brilliant climax.

The Cooler: 

Bernie Lootz, played by William H. Macy, represents an unusual character in the movie ‘The Cooler’. Bernie is a man whose luck is so bad that the casino owners hires him to stand by the players who seem to be on the ‘hot streak’. Without any fail, his bad luck impacts the players around him, thus, leaving the casino to the favourable house edge. 

Everything was going well, until Bernie’s own luck changed by falling in love with a cocktail waitress working in the casino. He becomes the lucky charm for all the casino players. With superb performances and a fun premise, the movie also gives a great insight into the superstition and the concept of luck in casino gambling.


Rounders is a film that shows a great tale of friendship. In the film, Matt Damon (Mike) plays the role of a small stakes Poker grinder. He was tired of grinding away at a low-stakes Poker table and decided to go all-in against Russian mobster Teddy KGB and loses all of his life savings. 

After this massive defeat, he chooses never to play again and focus solely on his studies. However, his childhood buddy Edward Norton (Worm) is released from the jail who owes a lot of money. To help his friend to pay off the debt and to create his bankroll to make a run at WSOP Main Event, Mike spurs back in the world of Poker.

Ocean’s Eleven: 

Ocean’s Eleven is undoubtedly one of the most entertaining heist stories. George Clooney (Daniel Ocean) a con-man gets paroled. He immediately breaches his parole and travels to Las Vegas. He gathers a crew of his old friends and acquaintances for a historic heist, targeting three Las Vegas Casinos all in one night. 

The three casinos The Mirage, The Bellagio, and The MGM Grand are owned by his rival Terry Benedict (Andy Garcia). Although there is not much gambling in the movie, you will get a glimpse inside early 90’s Las Vegas casinos.


21 is a true story based on the misadventure of six MIT students. Jim Sturgess (Ben Campbell) is an aspiring young math genius student. MIT math professor Kevin Spacey (Micky Rosa) recognizes Ben’s talent with numbers and offers him an opportunity to join a Blackjack team. 

He trains a group of talented students experts in mathematics to count cards in the casinos of Las Vegas. The group uses card counting technique, team-play, and covert signalling to increase their odds of winning in 21 game. The team rapidly makes significant profits, but also soon great egos start clashing and destroy the entire business. 21 is an enjoyable movie and worth your time.


Casino is one of the legendary movies and certainly a must-watch casino mob movie. The film does not show a lot of actual gambling action, but rather shows what happens behind the scenes of the mob-controlled casino gaming establishment. Casino portrays an unfolding story about two mobsters based in Las Vegas, one who is trying to build a decent career and reputation in the gambling industry. At the same time, other is so obsessed with greed. 

The movie stars Robert De Niro (Sam “Ace” Rothstein) and Joe Pesci and directed by award-winning director Martin Scorsese. Ace was once having connections with the mafia but now was living a regular life with his wife. That is until his old friend Nicky Santoro- played violently by Joe Pesci turns up and is now a leading player in the mafia. Ace represents a bookie who has to run the casino in Vegas for his mafia bosses, whereas Joe is a killer and thief whose recklessly aggressive behaviour puts both of them in risk.


If you are interested to see a gambling world from the dealer’s perspective, then the Croupier might be for you. While so many gambling movies focus on the players, but Croupier is a movie that tells the story of a dealer who is a struggling novelist looking for inspiration and money. 

Clive Owen stars as Jack Manfred, who works as a croupier in a London casino. Jack does not gamble in a casino but seems to be placing high stakes in his personal life, as by the end of the film he is involved with three women and in a scheme for a casino heist.

High Roller: The Stu Ungar Story: 

If you don’t know about the life and death of Stu Ungar, then this documentary movie offers you a chance to know about it. He was a genius Poker player and the youngest player to win WSOP Main Event tournaments three times. He is probably the best poker player of all time, and well ahead of his time. 

Stu was among the first Poker player to use aggression in No-Limit Texas Holdem Poker efficiently. Since then innumerable players have imitated this style. The film depicts the entire life of a gambler from start to finish and showing ups and downs in his life.


The film stars Bret Maverick as Mel Gibson, a card player and a con artist who is in an attempt to collect money to enter a high stakes Poker game. Bret is on his way to a five-card draw Poker tournament where he hopes to win money and to prove that he is the best Poker player of the time. He is $3,000 short for buy-in to enter in a Poker championship and manages to collect some from his debts and recover some money by gambling. The movie is all about Maverick’s effort to raise funds and the difficulties he encounters in his efforts.

Are you feeling incited after reading this blog? Well, would you like to play a game of Poker? If you want to experience the thrill of casino head over to Gamentio. We offer a real-life experience of a casino to the players which you have just seen in the movies. Not only this, you can also experience the thrill of playing free online Poker and online Poker Tournament by playing with the players around the country that too from the comfort of your home.



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