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Tips for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournament

  • Published Date April 21, 2020
  • By Admin

Tips for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournament


Playing at small stakes Poker tournaments are a lot of fun. Many books teach you intending to play with a default set of hands from each position. By doing so will inevitably lead you to fail in the long run. This is because every time you play against a different set of opponents. 

The secret of getting success in Poker is to adjust your playing style according to the specific opponents. Also, playing according to the simple hand charts will not work as all the opponents do not play in the same way. So, you must create a game plan for how to attack a specific type of player that you will encounter. By doing so, you can change your strategies accordingly to increase your win rate.

Focus on your opponents: 

Apart from just focusing on your cards, observe your opponents cards too, if you want to win big pots. Keep your eyes and ears open in order to see their tendencies. Focusing only on your cards will lead you to fail in the long run. You must pay constant attention and make notes of every hand that takes place at the Poker table. 

Paying attention only when you play the pot will not lead you to get enough reliable information. Even if you are not playing any hand, be aware of your opponents playing pattern. Be vigilant, if you want to optimize your equity.

Players who play small stakes tournaments: 

Basically, three types of players play small stakes tournaments. Players who play too many hands, who play few hands, and who roughly play the right amount of hands intelligently. You must look at each player separately as you can maneuver them in totally different ways. Let’s discuss them:

Players Who Play Too Many Hands

Passive Players: These types of players often limp in and call or raise with an extensive range of marginal hands, in a hope to make good cards with the flop. It is vital to understand that these players behave in a passive way when they have marginal hands. They almost raise and re-raise with their strong hands. 

If this type of player calls your bets, you will likely to assume that they have marginal hands. This would lead you to value bet relentlessly, but specifically with the hands that have their calling range crushed. If you have a decent pair or top, always continue value betting. You should always be sure to place your bets so that your opponents could call even with the worst hands. If such players start applying pressure, it’s better to get out of the way until unless you have a premium hand.

Aggressive Players: The players who play aggressively play a wide range of hands and see many flops. Yet, they prefer to do so aggressively, making them tough to play against than their passive counterparts. These players act aggressively as they have discovered that most of their opponents play straightforwardly. 

Aggressive players are also aware that their opponents will call multiple bets when they have strong hands. This induces them to bet whenever they feel any weakness, which is mainly when their opponents check. This is a great poker strategy to use in small stakes online Poker tournaments against the average player. 

Generally, these players are winners but can sometimes be defeated if they move up and face players who know how to fight them. You can beat these players by persuading them to bluff you. If you persuade your opponents to bluff, don’t fold your hand until the boards run out as badly as possible. This might not happen too often if you choose your spot correctly.

Players Who Play Few Hands

Passive Players: These players hardly put chips in the pot, particularly after the flop, without perceiving to be the best hand. Such players are usually afraid to lose their entire chip stack. If some players encounter strong cards like A-K on K-8-6-2, they will even fold their strong hand if you put enough pressure on them. That being said, some of the players will never fold their hand that they think have premium holding. These players think that since they hardly play any pot, they have to win nearly every hand they play. Make sure to pay attention to your particular opponents and assess what exactly the errors they make. 

One of the advantages of playing against these players is that they fold too frequently. There are many ways in which you can beat these kinds of players, usually by taking advantage of the fact that they will frequently fold their cards. 

Most of these players, when playing in the blinds, quickly fold their hands when facing a pre-flop raise. Also, if they decide to call pre-flop, they usually fold to a post-flop continuation bet.

Aggressive Players: Players who play few hands aggressively, are those who before putting any pressure on the game, strongly wait for their strong hands. They hope to either win the whole pot without any contest (which isn’t a good result, if you have the best hand, you would like to get the value) or go all-in (but mostly it’s not until a lot of money goes into the pot). So, these players have big holes in their gameplay which you can take advantage of. 

These players are likely to be a bit too tight before a flop. So, whenever you have a chance, you can slowly beat them down by stealing their blinds. Even in the early and the middle position do not be afraid to attack their blinds, particularly if the blinds are comparatively tight between you and the blinds.

Who play roughly the correct amount of hands: 

Such players tend to play on the tighter side while being proficient enough to run well-timed post-flop bluffs and getting rid of the hands which are strong, but crushed hands. 

One sign of a skilled player is that they win small pots often, without a showdown, especially on the turn and the river. Also, at the same time, they rarely play a big pot unless they have a premium hand. One of the key ways to beat this kind of a Poker player is by applying considerable pressure in smart spots where your range should be robust than that of your opponents. 

Small stakes players who are struggling can follow these tips which will help them to handle while playing the small stakes tournament. As long as you remain cautious and constantly analyze your opponents playing pattern, you will get a good start. 

If you are thinking of playing Poker at the traditional casino, it can be difficult for those who have only the basic understanding and knowledge of the game. So, you can first master online Poker before hitting the real casino. You can practice and play online Poker free on Gamentio until you feel confident about the game. Once you are sure about the game, then proceed to play at the traditional casino.

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