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6 Ways to Control the Table with a Big Stack in Poker

  • Published Date January 28, 2020
  • By Admin

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There is nothing more thrilling than having a big stack while playing in No-Limit Texas Hold’em Poker. Having a giant stack at the Poker table can be of great advantage over your opponents. The sheer size of a stack will scare the opponents into giving up their blinds or to fold on raises because they are afraid to lose their money as well as going out early.

Many players are not able to play with the big stack correctly, which may work against them. Audacious players become an easy target for cunning opponents who are experienced enough to steal from such players who have a lot of money on the table. It is important to protect your chips in order to continue to be the dominant force. Refrain yourself from becoming a target and use this big stack strategy guide to maximize your profit at the table.

  1. Put the pressure on the medium stacks: By sitting on a large stack, you have the power to attack the players with a medium stack. These are the players with anywhere between 25-30 big blinds. If the players with medium stacks have strong hands, they will go all-in with it. And many players will fold if they don’t have sufficiently big stacks. 

Usually, the players with a big stack thinks that they should aim the short stacks. But that’s a mistake. Because you are going to find yourself calling eight big blinds here, and twelve big blinds there, and suddenly you have lost half of your stacks. So, the good idea is to put pressure on them with your big stacks, as more often than not, they will be playing much tighter than the 10 big blinds stacks.

  1. Don’t mess with the big stacks: Your main objective as the big stack holder should be to build pressure on those players who have limited options to play against you. If a player with big stacks joins you, picking a fight against that player may lead you to bear adverse consequences, and we do not want that. As you both hold massive stacks, the pot size between you two will increase rapidly. 

A player who can destroy your all gigantic chip stack that you have built is not the right opponent for you to bully and bluff unless you have the premium hand. Your target to bluff and bully should be those opponents who do not bring much effect on your big stack. 

Just remember one thing, you always want to protect your big stack. If you are playing against the opponent who can cripple your huge stack, don’t get involved with that player until you have strong hands.

  1. Avoid playing big pots: Your aim while playing Poker is to increase your chip stack by somewhat avoiding major risks. One way to protect your chip stack is that under marginal conditions, avoid playing big pots. So, play carefully in a situation where you are not absolutely sure you have the best hand. 

Play aggressive in small pots, but don’t lose a significant percentage of your chips if you don’t have nuts. Players with big stacks can be disciplined in their decision making if they play the game only with the premium hands. The reason behind this strategy is that if they play all the hands, their bankroll will deplete rapidly. By relinquishing weak hands, you will retain your large stack, which is your objective here.

  1. Be creative: One of the privileges of having a big stack is that you can use all poker tricks while playing, such as bluffing, semi-bluffing, trapping, etc. If you play in an aggressive style throughout the game, then having a big stack gives you an opportunity to mix your game up, play deceptively, and try new tactics. 

Allow your opponents to feel that they have successfully figured out your playing pattern. Once you set them up, catch them off guard by suddenly playing in uncharacteristic style. Be unpredictable. If you are a big stack holder, know that all other players are conspiring to reduce your stack. Remain unpredictable at this point and keep all players on their toes. 

Thus, if you are playing every hand for half an hour, it’s better to start tightening up. If you have been simply sitting down, and waiting for big hands, then it’s time to use your chips and open up the game.

  1. Make a consistent presence: Make your constant presence at the table by showing your opponents that you are there to play and not just to sit with your stack. Make your opponents believe that you are on a mission. Convince them by developing a ruthlessly aggressive image, and you will play in that way all day long. By doing so, if your competitors fear you, they will often fold their hands, which they otherwise might raise.

  2. Play tight: If you are not a skilled player in playing big stack, you should consider to play as a tight-aggressive player once you have gathered a lot of chips. I know it may not sound correct, but you should play tight, especially concerning your calling ranges. The big stack power comes from the action, i.e. to put constant pressure on your opponents with a fear to burst them out. So, if you have a mountain of stack, use them wisely. You should be the one running the show, not the one calling the bets just because you have spare chips.

Playing with the big stack is not easy, even for professional players. Following these guidelines will help in building your stack higher and lead you to the final round table. Whether you are playing online Poker game or at a traditional casino, use your big stack to all your advantage. Put your opponents in difficult situations where your aggression will be adequate to lead your opponents to fold.


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