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Understanding The Importance of Poker Math

  • Published Date January 2, 2019
  • By Admin

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Luck is not always enough to win in a game of poker. Knowing the poker math, Position in Poker and poker hand Matrix is equally important, mainly the odds and probabilities of a winning hand. With a strong poker strategy, players will see that a good decision can still result in a loss, or a bad decision can still result in a win. Having the knowledge on how odds and probabilities, poker math, can affect how players make decisions and determine if someone is a skillful player. Poker learners can pick up the math of poker easily without studying it. After trying different hands out, through success and failure, players will recognize the importance of poker math.

Math is a basic, yet annoying, a subject we all learned in school and used in many scenarios. Math is really key for a poker player knowing what the chances are to have a complete flush or straight. Poker math helps understand when other players make a bet, when go for a draw, whether you should call and finish the draw, or fold to cut off your possible losses. Any good player with the knowledge of poker math will always have the answer and make better decisions than someone who doesn’t know. Players who don’t know Poker odds will guess on instinct. If it’s a big bet, it will feel too risky to win and get the card needed, therefore will go for smaller bets.

Poker players want to improve their game and learning the basic odds helps players understand every decision and the probability in every aspect of poker, from the first hand to raising the stakes to the final river reveal. Knowing the other basics like counting poker outs, pot odds, and expected value gives the advantage against all other players, especially when it can be paired with the other crucial skills of Poker.

Here’s an example: the opponent will bluff once for every three times they feel they have the best hand on the river. That means there is a 25% chance that you actually have the better hand, whereas there is a  75% for others to win. Overall, the win will be 3-to-1. That is a whole lot better than 4-to-1, 10-to-1, and even 100-to-1 odds that players without the math knowledge will have. Poker is part skill and part knowledge.

Look for any free poker games to practice your math skills to add up the odds that can favour or go against your hand. You can’t assume that people who don’t have or understand poker math won’t win; this is where the luck factor comes in. But, having an understanding of what the odds are can improve your game and give an advantage over other players.


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