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Predict & Win

  • Published Date May 24, 2018
  • By Admin

We are back with #Predict and win #Contest. Simply comment your answers to participate. Follow these rules and format while commenting:


  1. Which team you think will win in today’s #SRHvsKKR match
  2. Who will be the “Man of the match”?
  3. Your Gamentio Username
  4. Tag at least two friends who are not on Gamentio



  • TWO lucky winners will win direct free entry to Mega Sunday 2 Poker Tournament for Rs. 12,000 GTD.



  1. Entries will be closed at 7 PM on 25th April, 2018.
  2. Only one answer is accepted from a single person and mention your Gamentio Screen Name with your answer.
  3. Both the predictions: winning team and who will win the title of “Man of the match” have to be correct to be eligible for the prize.
  4. Min 20 authentic Gamentio users should participate, else the contest shall be cancelled.
  5. In case of a tie, Gamentio will determine the winners on the basis of a lucky draw.
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