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How online Poker has evolved in the past decade

  • Published Date April 25, 2018
  • By Admin

For several years before the internet became widely adopted, Poker has existed, and poker players have played poker games such as Texas Holdem and Omaha. However, with the internet and advancements in technology over the past decade, online poker has evolved and gone through different phases of evolution.

Downloaded Poker Sites

In the early 90s, these were the first online poker sites that were available. These gaming sites worked by getting downloaded by poker players. The disadvantage then was that it took a lot of time for them to download. Internet connection speeds during this period were slow, and it did not exactly encourage poker players to stick with online poker. It took a lot of time to place bets because of software delays and lags as a result of the slow internet that as available at the time.

Instant play poker sites

Over time, computer systems got improved, and advancements were made in the quality of computer graphics as well as internet connection speed. These gave rise to the development of instant play poker sites. With these sites, players did not need to download, and they were able to place their bets within seconds. A lot of these sites also included poker tutorials as part of their services and beginners could have free poker practice before playing the actual game.

Mobile Poker Apps

There is nothing like being able to play poker around the clock. Once instant poker sites had been introduced, the next step was to make it possible to carry poker around. Poker apps were developed for mobile phones, and with internet connection, a lot of poker players have found it convenient to play the games on multiple locations. This has also paved the way for a lot of poker players who do not have easy access to a live casino.

Availability and Improvement of Resources

Since when poker sites were made mobile, things have not for a moment stopped improving. Better quality resources are made available, and there are improvements as the days roll by. Over the past decade, there have been a lot of quality poker sites, and online poker tutorials held a lot of promise. But the quality we have today has never existed. These days it is no longer about creating the best resources for playing poker games, resources are now available for the poker player to become a better player and be able to manage their health properly.

A close or almost non-existent skill gap

Gone are the days when players can be labeled "best" and "worst." Now, the worst player can measure up to the best within a short time as every resource to make anyone the best poker player is readily available and free. So, the skill gap between the best players and the worst players have closed. Poker game is now tougher because of the considerable improvement in the weak players. Everyone now has access to the same poker tutorial books and videos.

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